RCR129  | JANUARY 22, 2021
Typhoon’s politically-charged fifth studio album Sympathetic Magic is out now on all digital streaming platforms and available to purchase as Maroon Smoke LP & Digipack CD.

My Dear Friend,

I hope you’re holding up. What a mess! Small news in the big scheme, but we finished a record and I wanted to share it with you.

I wrote all these songs while puttering around the house these past several months, because, what else was I going to do? The songs are about people - the space between them and the ordinary, miraculous things that happen there, as we come into contact, imitate each other, leave our marks, lose touch. Being self and other somehow amounting to the same thing.

Recording had to be adapted to the plague-times. I tracked the demos first and sent them out to the band. Then the improvised procession of friends dropping by my basement, one at a time, masks on. Other folks recorded their parts in their own homes with cell phone voice memos or GarageBand in the laundry room. Parts from the original demos remain intact.

Like everything right now, it was all a little disjointed, but I think it came together in the end. The record is called Sympathetic Magic and it’s a great joy to share it with you. To be honest, it’s a joy to share anything at all in these isolating times.

kyle / typhoon

1. Sine Qua Nonentity
2. Empire Builder
3. Motion and Thought
4. Santos
5. We're In It
6. Two Birds
7. Evil Vibes
8. And So What If You Were Right
9. Time, Time
10. Room Within The Room
11. Masochist Ball
12. Welcome to the Endgame