RCR130 | APRIL 15, 2022
Typhoon's new EP Underground Complex No. 1 is available now as Maroon + Pink Swirl LP & Digipack CD.
Underground Complex No. 1 is the first in a series of records about resentment.
This one takes the form of a confession (slightly unorthodox) made by one character to another; each song being a different “sin.” We learn of a boy who burns down a field and inadvertently opens a portal to an underground world, of a husband fixated on his ex-wife and her new lover, of a discontented barfly swinging between delusions of grandeur and annihilating self-contempt. Episodes from a cyclical life lived in a world where forgiveness is not so much an artifact as it is a logical impossibility.
Inspired by Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground—that timeless manual for how not to be a person—this record contains a character who isn’t so different from most of us; with all the hangups, blind spots, and harmless self-deceptions inherent in the species, just in a slightly more extreme form.